Critical Details That Dictate Your Roof Damage Insurance Claim Payout

How To Know If Your Homeowner’s Insurance Covers Roof Repairs Or Replacements In Arizona

In Phoenix, there are a lot of threats to your roof. The monsoon season blows in heavy winds and rains every year that can tear materials off your roof or blow limbs and other debris onto your roof, causing damage. Even in calmer weather, the harsh sun can cause a slow degradation of roofing materials, leading to damage over time.

In many cases, your homeowner’s insurance will cover the repair or replacement of your roof if it has been damaged. However, there are some reasons why your insurance company won’t cover the claim – or why you shouldn’t file the claim. Here are a few of the critical details that will determine whether your insurance company will pay for the damage to your roof:

Neglect & Lack Of Roof Maintenance

The insurance company will want to know what has led to your roof damage. Was it caused by a tree limb falling through your roof? Or was it the result of clogged gutters sending water under the shingles because you weren’t cleaning your gutters? You have a responsibility to maintain your roof and to make timely repairs if you notice a loose or buckling shingle.

If your insurance company determines that your lack of maintenance or care led to your roof damage, it is likely to reject your claim.

How To Know If Your Homeowner's Insurance Covers Roof Repairs Or Replacements in Phoenix, AZ

Home Insurance Policy Limits

Many home insurance policies include limits, or exceptions, on what is covered. One of the common exceptions is for flooding. You will have to buy separate flood insurance to cover damage from such disasters.

While flooding might not be much of a threat to your roof, there are other exceptions that might apply to roof damage. Look carefully at your policy to determine whether your roof damage falls under any exception.

Homeowner’s Insurance Deductibles

Your homeowner’s insurance policy likely has a deductible – or an amount that you have to pay for any roof repairs in Mesa before your insurance will kick in. So, for example, if your roof damage is only going to be about $500 to repair, but your deductible is $1,000, your insurance is not going to pay anything.

Many people keep their deductible high so that their overall premium is lower. You may find that it is more worthwhile to have a small savings set aside for potential repairs, rather than paying more on insurance over time.

Choosing To File An Insurance Claim For Your Roof

Your insurance company may very well pay for the roof damage, but you may still want to reconsider whether to file an insurance claim. Every time you file a claim, you run the risk of causing your insurance premiums to rise or to have your insurance policy canceled completely. Insurance companies can drop your policy if they believe you to be a risk, and filing claims is one way to show them that you are a risk.

You should evaluate the type of damage and the cost, and compare that to the risk of paying more in insurance or in losing your policy. Know that if you are dropped from your policy, you may also have a hard time finding a policy with a new company. You may want to pay for smaller roof repairs in Chandler yourself and preserve the integrity of your record with your insurance company.

Homeowner’s insurance is there to protect you in case of serious damage caused by an accident. Do submit a claim if your roof has suffered from a storm, a falling tree, or another calamity. Just be aware of the potential exclusions from your insurance company, and evaluate your options before you decide whether to file an insurance claim or simply pay for the repairs yourself.

Hire Professional Roofing Contractors In Phoenix, AZ

Call Canyon State Roofing and Consulting in Phoenix if your roof has been damaged. One of our experienced roofers will inspect your roof and provide information about what led to the damage, which your insurance company will require if you decide to file a claim. We are experienced working with insurance companies, and we can make the claims process go smoothly if you decide to move forward with that. If you decide to make the repairs yourself, we’ll present affordable options for getting your roof back in top health. Contact us in Phoenix today to speak with an experienced and knowledgeable roofer and to get an estimate for your roof.



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Canyon State Roofing
4809 E Thistle Landing Dr #100
Phoenix, AZ 85044

Phone: (602) 400-1635

Published On: May 13th, 2021Categories: Roofing

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