Why You Should Not Delay Your Roof Repair

Why You Should Not Delay Your Roof Repair The Risks Of Postponing A Roof Repair Roof repair costs can quickly climb into the thousands of dollars if not done correctly or if you postpone the issues. Do you want to pay for something that you could’ve prevented? Probably not!  Roof repair is one of [...]

2024-03-04T08:15:16-07:00February 21st, 2023|Repair, Roofing|

How Do I Know If My Roof Has Been Damaged By Hail?

How Do I Know If My Roof Has Been Damaged By Hail? Things To Consider Before Inspecting Your Roof If you live in an area where hail is common, you must be aware of any sign of damage to your roof. Understanding how hail damages roofs can help you take precautions to prevent water [...]

2024-04-09T17:03:01-07:00February 1st, 2023|Repair, Roofing|

What’s That Sound? Noises Your Roof Makes and How to Deal with Them

What’s That Sound? Noises Your Roof Makes & How to Deal with Them Expert Tips for Dealing with Unusual Sounds from Your Roof Your house likely makes a lot of noise. You may hear creaks and groans and even strange whooshes. You may hear them during the day or in [...]

2024-07-15T13:44:49-07:00August 15th, 2019|Repair|

Checking Your Roof for Damage after a Monsoon

Checking Your Roof for Damage after a Monsoon Arizona’s monsoons are notorious. Every year, they come through and leave a path of destruction with their heavy winds and their flooding rains. Some storms will take down trees or pull up flower beds. Others will just knock over the occasional lawn chair or leave a scattering [...]

2023-09-14T13:47:31-07:00December 3rd, 2018|Repair|

Math for Roofers

Math for Roofers You call the roofer in Arrowhead to fix that slow leak and you learn that what you thought would be a simple roof repair is going to require a lot of work. You hear the price and you about fall over. It’s going to be how much? Roof work requires experience and [...]

2023-09-14T13:48:38-07:00December 19th, 2016|Repair|

Inspecting your Phoenix Roof For Damage After Sunday’s Earthquake

Inspecting your Phoenix Roof For Damage After Sunday’s Earthquake A rare event occurred when Arizona got hit by a mid-range earthquake on Sunday, November 1st 2015. While some Phoenix area residents, slept through the quake, many did not and were consequently worried about possible damage to their homes and roofs. To assist home and business [...]

2023-09-14T13:48:42-07:00November 5th, 2015|Repair|

What questions should I ask a roofing contractor?

What questions should I ask a roofing contractor? This is a general, overall view of questions you should ask any AZ residential roofing contractor. There are more specific questions you should ask that pertain to your specific roofing project and materials, but without knowing the specifics of your project, it is impossible to know what [...]

2024-07-24T15:29:15-07:00May 12th, 2015|Repair|
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